2014年5月19日 星期一

RU.EFI+RU.EXE 5.10.0181 Beta

Main changes:
  1. Display colored attribute and EFI_GLOBAL_VARIABLE_GUID on the list of UEFI variables.
  2. UEFI variables are now sorted by ascending order!  So user can browse variables easier.
  3. Type UEFI variable name will go to the closest matched UEFI variable name on the list.

Other Changes:
  1. Fixed RU always filled auto-detected SIO open/close config data cause SIO access were always allowed.
  2. Fixed writing IO port were not according to width, it always used byte access even if width=32bit.
  3. Changed ALT-L for IDE Identify ALT-5 to display WORD number as ATA spec does.
  4. Fixed SHIFT key is not working in input line dialog since build 0143.
 Download 5.10.0181 here password: 275650926

Again, I did not fully test it.  There is no guarantee for every function and it is not my responsibility to fix any bug on time.

6 則留言:

  1. Bug report:

    CMOS (0x70, 0x71) display abnormal with RU 5.10.0181 beta, offset 0x50 ~ 0x5F keep changing and some fields show 0xFF.


  2. Thank you, i will test and fix it.

  3. Hi James,

    It seems indirect IO read/write didn't at correct io address.
    I verify it on SIO and the other indirect IO port which has the same problem.
    All of them that data didn't correct.


  4. Hi,

    Then it is a real big problem, I will fix it ASAP.

    Thanks again!

  5. How do I operate RU to read PCI-E extend registers , 0x100-0xfff

  6. sonynew,

    Press Ctrl-PgUp and Ctrl-Pgdn. It was described in Ctrl-F1 help window.


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