2012年12月11日 星期二

RU 5.05 beta for DOS and UEFI

This is a quick fix version for RU 5.04

Critical bugs fixed:
  • Fixed CTRL-PGDN and CTRL-PGUP not working.
  • Fixed save file function is not working since v4.95

New Features:
  • ALT-L: Select registers with a readable list.
  • CTRL-W: Write the data back to LBA (Still under development, it could hang after reading LBAs in RU.EXE)
  • ALT-F2: List E820 tables

Again,  I've never tested RU32.EFI, please let me know if you find any problem.

Get RU 5.05 beta Password = 1120

2 則留言:

  1. Dear James,

    I found this issue on v5.05 DOS

    1. Select SMBIOS.
    2. Page down.
    3. You may find handle isn't updated.

    Best regards,

  2. Dear Gary,

    This issue was fixed and will be release at 5.06. I am still modifying something for the new version.

    Thanks for telling me this problem.


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