2012年11月9日 星期五

SMBUS will be rewritten

The SMBUS function of RU is lame.  I will start to rewrite SMBUS part when I had time to do it.  May not be soon but I will take this as a priority.

6 則留言:

  1. Dear James,

    I wonder why SSDT doesn't display in ACPI on RU 5.03 beta. Could you check on it?

    Best regards,

  2. OK Stranger, I will check and fix it ASAP. I probably broke something again.

  3. Hello Stranger,

    I have tried it on my board and the SSDT entry did show on RU for both DOS and UEFI 5.03 version.

    Do you mean that 5.01 or any previous works but 5.03 does not?

  4. Dear James,

    You may take a look in these three screenshots of my laptop Lenovo S205.


    It seems that RU skips some entries in RSDT or XSDT.

    Best regards,

  5. Hello Stranger,

    I will check what's wrong. Thanks a lot for debugging!!

  6. Hello Stranger,

    I think I have fixed the ACPI table problems. Please get the 5.04 and have a try.


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