2012年6月24日 星期日

RU.EFI v4.95

Finally I have done a test beta version of RU for UEFI after adding all those functions in assembly/DOS back and resolving thousands of compiler errors.

I am glad that the life of this ancient BIOS tool still last even in the UEFI era!

This version is synchronized with DOS RU 4.95.  It should have almost all the features that DOS RU has.  However reading/writing UEFI variables are not supported for now because I think using dmpstore would be easier than RU :)

Known issues:
Accessing MSR may not work on all platforms, it depends on if your BIOS implemented specific UEFI functions fully.  If it doesn't accessing MSRs may hang.  MSR for IA32 is not implemented yet.

2012/07/11 updated:
This version has a bug that it will not write PCI registers.   It is fixed and will be put to next release.

Try out UEFI beta version here:
RU.EFI = X64 version
RU32.EFI = IA32 version



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I may or may not respond, but welcome.