2011年5月26日 星期四

RU v4.88

* version 4.88
1. Fixed CPU MSR jumps to wrong registers when navigating by PgDn/PgUp
2. Display 32-bit CPU ID

* version 4.87
1. Added all PCI class names through class / subcalss /program interface from PCI 3.0 spec.
2. Fixed displaying wrong device name if matched with other vendor's device ID
3. Fixed SMBUS not working for ICH
4. Fixed can't select slave address for SMBUS
5. Improve SMBus read speed by eliminating 0xff
6. Fixed can't read ECAM from some PCI express devices. ECAM base is detected only once now, not every time while reading the PCI express device.
7. Removed open/close config from pull down menu. IO's open/close config are controlled by the keyboards only.

7 則留言:

  1. Download link is dead

  2. I have fixed the download link just now. Please try again.

  3. Hi James,

    Update the CSM module 7.65_76
    The RU v4.88 can't use.
    It will hang at BUS, DEV, FUNC scan.

    Thanks !!

  4. Banova,

    Thanks for pointing out the problem.

  5. Hi James,

    After checking more carefully,
    we found that caused by Project code label update.
    Seems project code issue,maybe not RU.exe issue.
    But you can take it for a reference.
    The project name is RiverCity.(WorkStation)
    CodeBase Label is 11.

    We may update this to EIP for solution, maybe.

  6. Banova,

    Have you tried PL.EXE? If it works then it might be RU's problem.

    Anyway this is good finding for me to debug the issue.


  7. Hi James,

    Checked with pl.exe, still hang.
    It's actually codebase issue.

    But I sent an EIP and been rejected soon after. (laughingly)
    Said they will keep tracing,but can't open the EIP with RU.EXE(Free app).

    Thanks for your kindly help.
    Maybe we can only wait the codebase solved this issue.


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