2007年6月26日 星期二

How to download RU.EXE

Please find the link in each version's page (tag: release). There will be a download link in the end of each article.  It comes with 3 files in a zip file with passwords.  The password is below the download link.

It will look like:
Download RU here
Password: 1234567890123

The zip file contains:
  • RU.EXE - DOS
  • RU.EFI - UEFI X64 application
  • RU32.EFI - UEFI IA32 application

If you have problem getting the file please write me a comment here.
Note: I will not send any copy of RU through email, please don't ask me to send you RU.EXE.

7 則留言:

  1. Hi Mr.Wang,

    The dwnload links of RU.EXE seem to be invalid. Would you please tell me where still could I get RU.EXE? Thank you very much!

    Eric Chen

  2. Sorry the free space seems having problem of sharing the files. I will need to find other free spaces for that. You can write me an mail and then I can send it to you.

  3. Dear James,

    It seems to be failed-access again. May you please tell me where to get the new one?

    Thanks a lot.


  4. The original download link is broken because of the free space provider doesn't want it to be free anymore, I think.

    RU.EXE will be put into File Dude from now on.

  5. I cannot download the RU.exe v4.92 beta from File Dude neither. It keep on linking to some download manager

  6. Can't you see the File Due page? You will need to enter the 4-char code and hit the green download button.


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